How to install mailpit on Windows and integrate with Laragon
·6 mins
Laragon ships with Mail Catcher, which intercepts mail sent using the PHP mail() function. Mailpit goes one step further and acts as a local mailbox. No mail will ever leave the local PC!
How to run cron jobs on Windows
·8 mins
Laragon 6 added the ability to run cron jobs. Here is an example on how to run them on Windows using Cronical.
How I upgraded eight PHP katas
·20 mins
I recently upgrade eight PHP Katas from a minimum PHP 7.3 to a minimum of PHP 8.0. I used Rector, Easy Coding Standard (ECS) and PhpStan to help me. This is how I approached the upgrade and used these tools.
How to update the PHP version in Laragon
·9 mins
Updating the version of PHP is probably the most common change I make in Laragon. The ability to switch from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2 in a few clicks is Laragon’s magic
How to set up Laragon on a new Windows computer (part 6) - Add to path
·2 mins
Laragon’s terminal is cmder, which will automatically give command line access to all the tools in Laragon’s development environment. If other terminals are required then Laragon can add the development tools to the Windows user environment path.