How to Install NGINX Unit on WSL 2 (Ubuntu)
Table of Contents
Source information #
Official installation guide and documentation
- README for NGINX unit
- official NGINX documentation
I have also created a companion GitHub project: > Pen-y-Fan > helloworld
Installation #
The docs use # for su or sudo account and $ for a standard user, my notes have been changed to
prepend sudo
Any commands prefixed with sudo will prompt for the password you set when you installed the wsl, if you can’t remember the password see Set up your Linux username and password.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Enter the password you set when you installed Ubuntu WSL.
Wait for the packages to install, there will be a lot of information scrolling up the screen!
Run the configuration script (from the NGINX unit README)
curl -sL '' | sudo -E bash
Now check the configuration file was successfully created:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unit.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nginx-keyring.gpg] focal unit
deb-src [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nginx-keyring.gpg] focal unit
If this file hasn’t been created you can manually add it using sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unit.list
Next install NGINX unit and any packages, in this example I install unit-dev and unit-php. You can choose your
required packages, see the official documentation for the latest
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install unit
sudo apt install unit-dev unit-php
Choice of packages at the time of writing:
unit-dev unit-go unit-jsc11 unit-jsc16 unit-jsc17 unit-jsc18
unit-perl unit-php unit-python2.7 unit-python3.10 unit-ruby
Start the unit service #
The documented way to start unit in ubuntu is systemctl restart unit
, unfortunately this doesn’t work!, wsl’s
version of Ubuntu does not have systemd!
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
The workaround is to manually start the service source Docker file for NGINX unit, which has the command. This took a lot of searching to find, I hope it helps!
sudo unitd --control unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock
Configure the application #
If you have cloned this project, edit the config.json and change the path for your project root:
- was: “root”: “/www/helloworld/”
- now: “root”: “/your/path/”
Note: this has to be from the root, if you have it in your profile ~/, then the root should start /home/your-user-name/www/helloworld
If you would like to create these files yourself:
sudo mkdir /www/helloworld
sudo cd /www/helloworld
sudo nano config.json
Add the config:
"helloworld": {
"type": "php",
"root": "/www/helloworld/"
If you are unfamiliar with nano, it is much easier to use then vi or vim editors, as the commands are along the bottom of the screen:
- ^O means Ctrl + O to write the file, it will prompt for a file name, press enter, as the file name was set config.json when opened
- ^X Exit means Ctrl + X will exit the app, back to the terminal
Configuring an application #
This is a two-step process, adding a config file and listening for a connection
sudo curl -X PUT --data-binary @config.json --unix-socket \
/var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/applications
"success": "Reconfiguration done."
curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
, the unit service is not running, check the above installation guide,
make use NGINX unit is installed and the unitd service is running. For more detail see Troubleshooting below.Add a listener #
sudo curl -X PUT -d '{"": {"pass": "applications/helloworld"}}' \
--unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/listeners
"success": "Reconfiguration done."
Check the config #
sudo curl --unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/
"listeners": {
"": {
"pass": "applications/helloworld"
"applications": {
"helloworld": {
"type": "php",
"root": "/www/helloworld/"
Change the owner #
To make it easier to edit the project files, the owner for /www can be set to your username:
ls /home -l
sudo chown michael:michael /www -R
Create hello world #
Now you can create hello world’s index.php without sudo:
cd /www/helloworld
nano index.php
Type or paste in:
<?php echo "<h1>Hello, PHP on Unit!</h1>"; ?>
If you are unfamiliar with nano, it is much easier to use then vi or vim editors, as the commands are along the bottom of the screen:
- ^O means Ctrl + O to write the file, it will prompt for a file name, press enter, as the file name was set index.php when opened
- ^X Exit means Ctrl + X will exit the app, back to the terminal
View the website #
Now the index.php has been created you can open your browser (in windows) to http://localhost:8000, which will display Hello, PHP on Unit!
Next steps #
Now the first project has been created and is working, I would recommend you follow the unit documentation for your next project.
Enjoy and good luck!
Troubleshooting #
The main problem I came across was getting the service to start, curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
, searches didn’t
yield much help. The issue was the NGINX unit service (unitd) wasn’t starting automatically.
Check NGINX unit is installed #
First check the NGINX unit service is installed:
unitd --version
unit version: 1.27.0
configured as ./configure --prefix=/usr --state=/var/lib/unit
--control=unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock --pid=/var/run/
--log=/var/log/unit.log --tmp=/var/tmp --user=unit --group=unit
--tests --openssl --modules=/usr/l
ib/unit/modules --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --cc-opt='-g -O2
-specs=/usr/share/dpkg/no-pie-compile.specs -fstack-protector-strong
-Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fPIC'
-specs=/usr/share/dpkg/no-pie-link.specs -Wl,-z,relro
-Wl,-z,now -Wl,--as-needed -pie'
Manually start the service #
The documented way to start unit in ubuntu systemctl restart unit
doesn’t work!, wsl’s version of Ubuntu does not
have systemd!
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
The workaround is to manually start the service (source Docker file for NGINX unit), which has the command. This took a lot of searching to find, I hope it helps!
sudo unitd --control unix:/var/run/control.unit.sock
You should see output similar to below, stating unit
2022/07/17 13:21:07 [info] 49#49 unit 1.27.0 started
You will now be able to apply to config above.
Check the config #
If your config has the wrong path you will get:
"error": "Failed to apply new configuration."
Check the path set in your config e.g: if a new project was created in helloworld2, but the config.json has a typo, helloworld3, then to check the directory exists copy path and from a terminal type ls then paste in the path (not type it as you my type incorrectly!)
ls /www/helloworld3
ls: cannot access '/www/helloworld3/': No such file or directory
If you get this error then correct your path, navigate to the correct path and type pwd
cd /www
cd /helloworld2
Copy the path output and paste it in the config file.
Once the config.json has been updated, rerun the config:
sudo curl -X PUT --data-binary @config.json --unix-socket \
/var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/applications
"success": "Reconfiguration done."
Note: the output above confirms this is a successful reconfiguration.
sudo curl --unix-socket /var/run/control.unit.sock http://localhost/config/
"listeners": {
"": {
"pass": "applications/helloworld"
"applications": {
"helloworld": {
"type": "php",
"root": "/www/helloworld2/"
You can see the helloworld app is now being served from /www/helloworld2/, is this what I intend? Maybe or maybe not, as I coped the config, but didn’t change the app name helloworld to helloworld2, so the new config has replaced the existing one!
I hope this information will help you get started, please see the documentation for further guides.